Sparrow Lane Weddings and Events Photos
Darcy Preece Photography
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Darcy Preece Photography

Sparrow Lane Weddings and Events Photos

Wedding photography in Edmonton can be challenging with the unpredictable Alberta weather we receive, so choosing a wedding venue that covers all your bases is even more important. For this particular wedding Sarah and Jesse were hoping to utilize the luscious green space at Sparrow Lane Wedding & Events. Mother nature had other plans when the temperature climbed up to +32 without a cloud in the sky. This is normally the weather you hope for on your wedding day but this was too hot for outdoor photos. Thankfully the venue had a covered patio space to provide the perfect amount of shade to keep everyone comfortable. The patio was decorated luxuriously by Nicole at Sugar Plum Events which made our job much easier. We love working with big wedding parties. Posing this many people takes experience as we need to be as efficient as possible.